
Scoring system

Dependant on whether the party is in line with our values, the score will be added or subtracted.

Considered articles


U.S. military usage of Meta’s AI now allowed (2024)

Party scores

  • Meta/Facebook

    Score: -3

    They explicitly allowed it.



Meta Pixel sued over collection of sensitive medical data (2023)

Note: The judge mentions “sensitive healthcare information is intentionally captured and transmitted to Meta”

Party scores

  • Meta/Facebook

    Score: -3

    They did that.



Meta selling data from crisis pregnancy sites to anti-abortion clinics (2022)

Party scores

  • Meta/Facebook

    Score: -3

    They did it.



Meta colected personal information from student aid applications (2022)

Party scores

  • Meta/Facebook

    Score: -3

    They did it.

Europe consumer groups reveal Meta collects “data used to infer their sexual orientation, emotional state or even their susceptibility to addiction” (2024)

Note: Storing data about sexuality, mental health and addiction for the sake of advertising is a lot

Party scores

  • Meta/Facebook

    Score: -3

    They did it.



Meta allowed exclusion of ethnic groups for housing & men-over-women targeting for job ads (2018)

Party scores

  • Meta/Facebook

    Score: -3

    They did it.

(🇺🇸) Meta changes code of conduct allows sexism, homophobia & transphobia (2025)

Note: Now permits "gender-based limitations of military, law enforcement, and teaching jobs", "Chinese people bearing responsibility for Covid-19", "allegations of mental illness or abnormality when based on gender or sexual orientation"

Party scores

  • Meta/Facebook

    Score: -3

    They did this.