
Scoring system

Dependant on whether the party is in line with our values, the score will be added or subtracted.

Considered articles


Dutch parties views on abortion (2023)

Party scores

  • GroenLinks-PvdA

    Score: 3

    Decriminalising abortion, pushback against abortion clinic protests, anticonception as a right

  • Volt Nederland

    Score: 3

    Abortion & anticonception as a right, sex ed for all ages

  • Partij voor de Dieren

    Score: 3

    Decriminalising abortion, anticonception as a right

  • Democraten 66

    Score: 3

    Decriminalising abortion, anticonception as a right

  • Socialistische Partij

    Score: 3

    Decriminalising abortion, anticonception as a right

  • BIJ1

    Score: 3

    Decriminalising abortion, anticonception as a right

  • BoerBurgerBeweging

    Score: 1

    Abortion & anticonception as a right, against removing forced reconsideration time

  • ChristenUnie

    Score: 1

    Loosening abortion laws is a "dangerous precedent", but supports anticonception as a right

  • Christen-Democratisch Appèl

    Score: -2

    For abortuspil by general practicioner, but against decriminalising abortion

  • JA21

    Score: -3

    Only wants abortion for medical reasons

  • Staatkundig Gereformeerde Partij

    Score: -3

    Against abortion existing

  • Partij voor de Vrijheid

    Score: -1

    Complacent about abortion

  • Nieuw Sociaal Contract

    Score: -1

    Complacent about abortion

  • Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie

    Score: -1

    Complacent about abortion

  • fvd

    Score: -3

    Complacent about abortion, against the increased criminalisation of "sex without consent"

